Discover the Skincare Benefits of Cold-Pressed Organic Prickly Pear Seed Oil: A Powerful and Effective Ingredient for Healthy, Beautiful Skin

Prickly pear seed oil, also known as barbary fig seed oil, is a powerful and effective ingredient for skincare.

Extracted from the seeds of the prickly pear cactus, this oil is rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids, making it a unique and beneficial addition to any skincare routine.

Prickly Pear plantation

One of the standout qualities of prickly pear seed oil is its high concentration of vitamin E.

The oil contains approximately 1100 mg/kg of vitamin E, with 95% of that being the powerful gamma-tocopherols.

This makes the oil an extremely powerful antioxidant, compared to other popular oils.

In addition to its high vitamin E content, prickly pear seed oil is also doubly concentrated in essential fatty acids.

The oil contains 65% linoleic acid and 20% oleic acid, making it a powerful source of beneficial nutrients for the skin.

One of the benefits of using prickly pear seed oil in skincare is its non-greasy texture.

The oil is slightly viscous and absorbs easily into the skin, making it easy to incorporate into skincare formulations.

When it comes to purchasing prickly pear seed oil, it's important to be mindful of the quality of the oil.

While it's possible to find cheaper versions of the oil, they may not be pure seed oil.

Be sure to purchase cold-pressed, certified organic prickly pear seed oil from a trusted and verified vendor to ensure the highest quality.

At Biodido, we are proud to offer pure, organic prickly pear seed oil, sourced from trusted farms.

Try it for yourself and experience the benefits of this powerful skincare ingredient.


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