Return & Refund

Hassle-Free returns and exchanges!
What is the return Policy?

We accept returns on all our pieces within 14 working days from the date you received your order. We only ask that the following requirements are met:

  • Items must be in original condition.
  • Items must not have been used in any way.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept any returns that do not meet above requirements. Refunds will be issued excluding the original shipping and return label cost

Are returns free?

The shipping cost incurred for returning items to for refund are not covered nor reimbursed by us.

How do I organise a return?

To initiate a return, simply email us at using the same e-mail address used to order the product.(Please note that we are unable to refund initial shipping charges for goods returned, other than for faulty items. We are also unable to refund return postage costs). Once the items have been received, you will receive your refund (item price excluding original shippingcost). cannot be held liable for the loss of garments being returned. We recommend using aregistered post service to return goods, and keeping a record of the tracking details.

Where do I send my return to?

When we receive your request to return an item. We will directly send you an email with the address that you need to send the items to.

How long does it take for my refund to be processed ?

We try and process returns as quickly as possible. If you are initiating a return, we try our best to reply within 24 hours.We will refund you through the same method you used to pay within 1-6 business days.

What if my order arrives damaged, or there is a fault

Whilst we hope this never happens, if you do receive a damaged item, or have a manufacturing fault occur, please contact us immediately at